Key Note Speaker

Dr. Ken Kazahaya
Professor of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Medical Director Complex Head and Neck Surgery and Hearing Implant Program
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.
Co-lead Surgeon of the Pediatric Thyroid Program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Dr. Yury Rusetskiy
Chief of ENT department and science laboratory in Federal
State Autonomous Institution «National Medical Research
Center for Children Health» Of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health
Head of ENT chair Central State Medical Academy of
Department of Presidential Affairs
Moscow, Russia

Dr. Abdullah Abo Alfaraj
Consultant Otolaryngology
Pediatric Otolaryngology and Airway Reconstruction Surgery
Maddinah, KSA
Dr. Afnan F. Bukhari

Dr. Afnan F. Bukhari
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Fellow
Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Ahlam Abdulbari Mazi
Associate Professor-Consultant Pediatric,
Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine.
Head of Pediatric Pulmonology Unit
King Abdulaziz University Hospital
Jeddah, KSA
Dr. Ahmad Alkhateeb

Dr. Ahmad Alkhateeb
Assistant Professor at Imam Addulrahman Bin Faisal University
Consultant Pediatric Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Chair of Department, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

Dr. Alaeddin Jebreel
Consultant Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery,
Deputy Chairman Otolaryngology, H&N Surgery, and Communications Department.
at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre KFSHRC- Riyadh.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Medicine
Al-Faisal University, KSA

Dr. Ammar Hussain
Pediatric Otolaryngology and Airway Surgery
King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Anas Kordi
Pediatric ENT Consultant
Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Ohud Hospital
Medina, KSA
Dr. Faisal Zawawi
Chairman of Organizing Committee

Dr. Faisal Zawawi
Chairman of Organizing Committee
Consultant Pediatric Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Chair of the Cochlear Implants & Hearing Aids Unit
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Heidi Al-Wassia
Associate Professor and Consultant Neonatologist
King Abdulaziz University Hospital

Ms. Huda Alsafady
Clinician Speech- Language Pathology
Jeddah Institute for Speech and Hearing, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Hussein M. Etwadi

Dr. Hussein M. Etwadi
Consultant Pediatric Otolaryngology Head and Neck SurgeryAbha maternity and children hospital Abha, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Iman J. Almashharawi

Dr. Iman J. Almashharawi
Consultant Pediatric Otolaryngology Head and Neck SurgeryPrince sultan military medical city Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Ken Kazahaya
Professor of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Medical Director Complex Head and Neck Surgery and Hearing Implant Program
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.
Co-lead Surgeon of the Pediatric Thyroid Program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Dr. Mohamad A. El Bitar

Dr. Mohamad A. El Bitar
Consultant ENT Surgeon and Chief of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery at Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital, Dubai, UAE.

Dr. Mohammed Halawani
Consultant Pediatric Otolaryngology Head & NECK Surgery
King Abdullah Specialized Children Hospital, National Guard
Riyadh, KSA

Dr. Nawaf Alsolami
Consultant Otolaryngologist,Otologist and Neurotologist
Head of Otosurgery Division
Director of Saudi otolaryngology Residency Program
King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Osama T. Baghdadi
Vice-Head and Assistant Professor
Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, Jeddah, KSA
University of Jeddah

Dr. Randa Barazi
Assistant Professor of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery and Residency Program Director.
American University of Beirut Medical Center

Dr. Ranya Alshamrani
Consultant of Pediatric
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
King Abdulaziz University Hospital
Jeddah, KSA

Dr. Rihab Alkhalil
Audiology Consultant
Chief of Pediatric Audiology
Clinical Supervisor of Cochlear Implant Program and Newborn
Hearing Screening Program
Director of Saudi High Diploma in Clinical Audiology
King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital
Riyadh, KSA

Dr. Sameera Dehaithem
Senior Speech-Language Pathologist
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center
Assistant Professor, Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology Program at Dar Al-Hekma University
Jeddah, KSA

Dr. Samir Bawazer
Consultant Pediatric ORL.H&ns - Head of Division, PSMMC
Head of Pediatric Ent Fellowship Training Programe at
Saudi Commission For Health Specialties
Riyadh, KSA

Dr. Sarah Alsebai
Specialist of Audiovestibular Medicine
ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Department- Audiology Unit
King Abdulaziz University Hospital
Jeddah, KSA
Prof. Talal Alkhatib
Member, Chairman of Scientific Committee

Prof. Talal Alkhatib
Member, Chairman of Scientific Committee
Professor of Pediatric Otolaryngologist-Head & Neck Surgeon at KAU & KFSHRC
Chairman of Otolaryngology Saudi residency training, Saudi commission for health Specialties
Chairman of Medical Education Department, King Abdulaziz University
Director of Program Pediatric Otolaryngology Fellowship training program, KAU
Jeddah, KSA

Dr. Yury Rusetskiy
Chief of ENT department and science laboratory in Federal
State Autonomous Institution «National Medical Research
Center for Children Health» Of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health
Head of ENT chair Central State Medical Academy of
Department of Presidential Affairs
Moscow, Russia